Hong Kong 2007

Friday, December 7, 2012

Chinese Fire Drill. No lie in the name.

Yup. That's right! I participated in the office fire drill- my first and probably last CHINESE FIRE DRILL! Not the type in highschool where we parked the car and ran around it before the light turned green but the real kind- walking down 49 floors to get to the bottom and checking in that you made it safe. Intense right?!?!?

I don't know how often the building has the drill but it was that time of year and all new employees have to participate. Since I consider myself "new" I decided I needed to see what it was all about and be extra safe because who knows when a fire might strike.

I put on my flats (only brought 2 pairs of heels with me and they are my 'work' shoes and stay under my desk- a tan pair and black pair. Flats are for walking to and from work) and went to the back door with the other 8 newbies for the OK to head down the stairs. Since there is only one floor above us we were the back of the pack and had a lot of stairs to walk.

We started off. It wasn't bad at all because the stairwell was really wide and we were able to walk like 4 in a line and talk- not a bad little stroll down 49 floors!!!!

Finally we got to the bottom and they had directional signs that said where to go to line up. The funny part is during any real emergency I feel it would be completely CRAZY. if every.single.person. from all 50 floors in the building were rushing down the stairs and we were stuck closest to the top that would just be TROUBLE. and gives me anxiety thinking about it. Also, normal people not participating in the fire drill are all over the place so it can get confusing even with signs telling you were to go!

We did make it safe in about 20 minutes to check in and got a pat on the back and group picture for our participation. Such all-stars, I know.

But yes. A REAL CHINESE FIRE DRILL is another check off the good ole bucket list of life.

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