Hong Kong 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Little Thanksgiving in Hong Kong

Thanksgiving Day and Weekend. Might be my favorite holiday of the year (it's neck and neck with my Birthday) but for sure my favorite holiday from July to December. And I think this is the first year I have missed being with my family for it.

I can remember in college the felling of driving home that first Thanksgiving and going back to Gibbons for a basketball game to see the dance team and the feeling of being home again. That feeling stays with you and happens every time I head south but ESPECIALLY on Thanksgiving week when you know for sure, without a doubt, almost EVERYONE will be home and getting together! Nothing beats that.

In my family we have some good ole family traditions that I love. Thanksgiving morning we usually have a golf tournement we play in. Either its with a lot of friends or just the family we seem to always play golf. Now there have been some Thanksgiving where I have missed out (may or may not be because I have fun the night before) and have been the one to take out morning cocktails and ham biscuits to the group as the pass our house on the 9th tee box- but I still count that in participating because I did something. After golf, mom and I head home and start the cooking. There is an order of what to do and when so everything can be done on time and nothing is left out. I LOVE cooking with my mom because I get to do a lot of it and she is really good at washing dishes as you go :) We watch the parades and listen to music while drinking wine- doesn't get much better. After all is ready, we head upstairs to change before sitting at the table. Christmas and Thanksgiving are the two times mom gets to use all her china and crystal so we have a formal, beautiful, table set and a wonderful meal with everyone. The BEST YEAR I remember the best is when we had my grandparents, Drake, and Beth in town and I think there was a soild 10 people around the table. That was the best ever.

Welllll this year was a little different. I found out that this amazing New Orleans style resturant was going to serve a Thanksgiving meal so I went a few days early to make a reservation (which was smart thinking ahead because we got one of the last tables!). I was really excited to get turkey and sides to enjoy the holiday Hong Kong style.

The day of Thanksgiving I was working and actually was participating in the Toastmasters meeting and decided to go ahead and give a speech to the group about Thanksgiving to help them understand our one holiday that we celebrate what we are Thankful for (and eat a ton and watch football). It was a great little talk even though my friend Dan (he's from Cville) started to tell everyone what we did, what we eat, etc. and I had to tell him to stop because he was giving my whole presentation! They enjoyed learning about our holiday and all the fun things we do and how we celebrate.

After work I headed off with another person from the cville office, James, who was visiting for work to the resturant for the dinner. We met Dan and his wife and had an ALL YOU CAN EAT Thanksgiving meal (typical right?). We had turkey, mashed potatoes, burssel sprouts, green bean casserole, stuffing, biscuits, cooked carrots, AND pie! (pecan, pumpkin, and apple! but you only got to pick one) It was a wonderful meal and made going back to work for a few hours after eating a little better knowing I had just enjoyed some good food.

After our meal finished in Hong Kong it was time for everyone at home to start their day of Thanksgiving! I called home where my aunt and uncle were visiting and had missed them as they left with my dad to go see Jimmy and Sarah run in a Turkey Trot and momma was busy getting things ready in the kitchen! I don't think they played golf this year but the pictures from the day were wonderful and my Aunt is so special and sent me a lot of love through many pictures. The one with the sign that said "Missing You" and everyone holding it  was so my favorite! (side note- I have a picture like this from my graduation that says Miss You to Jimmy who was fighting for our freedom overseas) I sure did feel the love and missed being there!

I am so so Thankful for this experience and all of the support from friends and family from back home. It's amazing when you are alone all the hours when you are not at work how much you think about everyone in your life and all that you have. I miss and love you all and can't wait to get home and see each of you! Thank you for being amazing and know I think the world of you.

Sending love and hope you all are getting ready for the Holidays! I can't wait to be home to help celebrate!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

OHHH do I have a lot to recap!

My Blog Fans. I have to take a second and apologize for being such a not so great blogger the last couple of weeks. It's been a busy time here in Hong Kong with the Exam weekend (what I have been working on planning the last 6 months) is finally here and there have been some long days and nights of not wanting to look at my computer- so I apologize and hope to give some fun updates!

QUICK RECAP just to keep you all interested in my travels!

So I left off on November 12...the day the Blue Devils pulled one on our CATS for the W. And then I heard that they went on and have had some other big wins over different top 5 teams so I didn't feel too bad. I did feel good about UNC not pulling off a W...just sayin :)

That Thursday night I attended an event that CFA hosted to help people within the industry to network and learn more about careers and what it takes to have a great resume, interview, and how to get the job. I was the greeter and checking people in (of course I was, right?!) and then I ran the question cards and giving them to the panel. There were around 200 people at the event and it was a great panel and speakers! I even took notes...

That Saturday night we went to dinner and we headed out to a part of town I have not been to yet. It was the area with all the bars and everything else- bars might be not the right word- they were bars I would not go to alone and probably don't want women in them if that gives you a better idea. It was fun to see that part of town and have some really good thai food! We headed back to our central area for drinks though!

Soooo...when we got back to the central part of town and to the LKF area where the crazy Halloween things took place we came to another event- A CARNIVAL right in the heart of Hong Kong!!!! Everyone was singing in the streets and dancing, beer booths lined the streets, you could walk into any bar and not buy their drinks, people were all wearing hats, there were stages, it was just WILD! Kind of like a fair...but with just beer. I will do a whole post I promise with videos of the clowns, me wining a prizzzzze!!!! and just the people dancing to that gumgum style dance song (whatever its called) be ready! It will be good :)

AND Then it was Thanksgiving! Yes, I had the privilege to work the whole week last week. Monday thru Friday- first time in my whole life I have had to work the whole week- I know, I'm such a grown up now and was for sure wearing my big girl pants all week since I kept a smile and acted like I didn't miss having a 4 day weekend. BACK TO THE POINT. Thanksgiving! Since I was at work and it was a Toastmasters meeting day I thought I would get involved and help educate my friends on some American Traditions so I gave a speech on Thanksgiving! I started with how Thanksgiving was started and why people started a day to give thanks, moved into what is traditional for thanksgiving (eating multiple times with family and friends and football), what types of foods are served and then what else goes on that weekend (Macy's Parade, start of Christmas holiday, etc). Everyone loved it. It was a great experience for my 2nd Toastmasters ever! That night I went with Dan, his wife, and someone else from the Charlottesville office to this restaurant that was serving an all you can eat Thanksgiving dinner. It was great, we got a bottle of wine and unlimited mashed potatoes- amazing.

I sure did miss being in Raleigh especially since my Aunt Karen and Uncle Rick were in town and I don't get to see them too much! It was great to have multiple calls home and hope everyone enjoyed being with your family!! :)

Last weekend (after Thanskgiving) I went to Macau which is the Las Vegas of the East- seriously they have an MGM, Wynn, Encore, etc. All pretty much the same but I do have to admit I like Vegas a whole lot better and can't wait for another dad and daughter weekend (Ben and Blair- hope you're ready!). Also, they don't drink at the casinos. And I mean don't.at.all. They served apple juice, orange juice, water, and tea. After losing a hand a blackjack and seeing only apple juice I got up from the table. Now if that was a cold beer it could have been a different story.

Now I am off to some where far far away (or maybe a little closer to you?) for work and will be back on Tuesday! And then it's only like 1.5 weeks before I head home.....and then its like 2 weeks before Raleigh! CRAZY!!!!!

Time is flying and my flight is about to do the same! have to put last minute touches on things and head out the door! Sure do miss you ALL! and promise to do more updates maybe tonight :)

Sending lots of love!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Best Time of the YEAR!

That's right ladies and gentelmen! It's BASKETBALL SEASON!!!!!!!!!! Woop woop! Best time of year is finally here!

I don't know about in your house but where I come from (i.e. 212 South Bank Drive) basketball is a BIG DEAL. Those are some of the best conversations when I call home and talk to dad about any basketball game that's been on TV. Dad knows everything about basketball, coaches, sports in general and I am so lucky he has shared that love with me!

So even while I am 13 hours AHEAD of East Coast Time I am still keeping up with all the games. And this morning was a BIG GAME that I couldn't miss!! The Kentucky Wildcats were taking on the Duke Blue Devils. BIG GAME!!!! I was born in the Bluegrass state and have always loved the CATS but I was lucky enough to be a ball girl (kid?) for the Blue Devils so I enjoy cheering them on as well! (and really love Coach K and his good ole Army background).

So I was logged onto ESPN this morning around 10:30am for the start of the game at 9:40 EST. Since it is a Wednesday I did have to get a lot of work done (exam takes place in 2 weeks!!) so I could only watch the score climb as the minutes in the half went down. WOW Duke must of looked good to be leading after the 1st half!

And then it was lunch time here. I joined a group for Dim Sum (something pretty amazing- a ton of different dishes and you share everything- it was so good!!!) but I had to miss the 2nd half. Don't worry thought, I came back and saw all the highlights and the end score. Congrats, Duke- you are ranked 9th and beat the number 3 seed. Gooood luck to both teams this season! Can't wait to ge thome to watch the games!

Either way, I was wearing blue today so I was a winner no matter what team won :) (Ok..maybe it was a navy blue dress but whatever.)

OOOOOOOOOH and While I'm talking basketball- I have some major questions. Who can explain this?!?!?!?!??

INDIANA #1!??!?!?! MOM- this picture is for you because I am pretty sure this is the first time in about 15 years or longer this has ever happened (mom is born and raised an IU girl and hasn't been able to participate in the fun in basketball the last couple of years because red has not been an "in" color..) AND North Caroline STATE ranked #6?!?!??!?! Red must be a color of the season...
Funny......that Caroline Blue color must have been so last year because it's not even showing up in the top 10. Juuuuuust saying :)
HAPPY WEDNESDAY!!! sending love!

Monday, November 12, 2012

SUNDAY- Discovery Bay

OOOOOOOOH Sunday. It has become my laziest day full of just me time.

I woke up late, wrote a blog and made myself go for a run. A run. I know. So not Margaret. I'm not going to lie...I just don't like running. I'll do it but don't care for it. If I have a friend to run with, I actually enjoy myself. Alone..I can do other things besides running. But for some reason I just needed to get out and go.

SO. I past all the women sitting and hanging in their groups on Sunday, down the the harbor walk area, and took off. I ran until there was construction at the end and I couldn't run anymore. So like Forrest Gump, I turned right around and kept on ruuuunnnin. It was weird for me since I don't usually run but it felt great. No means was I breaking in records with the pace but it just felt good to hear some old jams from the Ipod and get out.

To reward myself for my run I packed $30 HKD with me to stop and get yogurt for breakfast- yes, breakfast because I got granola on it (so a breakfast food). It was pretty great and if I knew I could get icecream yogurt after each run, I would totally run every day! It was a great treat and helped put a big ole smile on my face.

I checked the times at the dock and saw the boat to Discovery Bay would leave at 1:00pm and I had 30 minutes to go home, change into my bathing suit (beach in November? yeeees please!) and get on the boat ferry. So I did just that.

I felt like I was on a first class ferry with these legit seats. And it was really quite. AND it had great AC.

After the smooth ride to the island I got off the ship and headed to explore. The first thing I noticed was the beach was HUUUUUGE! So.much.sand!! And as I was walking on my left were just restaurants with outside seating and tons of people/families enjoying lunch outside.

I walked around the corner and saw the cute little parking spots for all the golf carts! This could be my favorite place- a big beach and you get to drive golf carts?? Huge double win! (if you don't know when I was younger I begged my parents to get me a golf cart when I turned 16 instead of a car...thankgod they didn't listen to me!)

And then I saw this gem...just in time for basketball season! I'll be cheering on the Blue Devils EXPECT on Tuesday night when they play the good ole Kentucky WILDCATS! GO CATS!

But thought that was awesome in Hong Kong you still have super proud parents of a student on the opposite side of the world!

I walked all the way down the beach, saw there was only a "private access" area and didn't feel like getting into trouble so I stopped, had a seat and watched all the families play on this huuge playground that was IN THE SAND! How awesome of a sand box is that?!?! Not only were kids playing on the playground, kids were playing ALL OVER. On roller blades, bikes, scooters, running, strollers, playing rugby, building sandcastles...kids were EVERYWHERE. It was not like regular Hong Kong at all. This was family friendly 24/7 safe and a ton of things for families to do! Also, I noticed this was the most English I have heard spoken during my whole trip here. Tons of expats live in this area. There's no traffic, no tall buildings, etc. It was just peaceful and clean.

After a few hours and a coffee I caught a glimpse of these guys...

At first- I totally thought they were dressing up because they are grownups who dress up in the spare time (there was some TV show about it and I was laughing thinking I was watching those people) but it turns out HBO was doing some Action Figure something so that's why Spiderman, Captain America, and others were in attendance. kinda weird...

And so I got back on the ferry. Saw this dock. Thought that's a way to save money...

Then on the ride back to Hong Kong Island we saw all these sailboats (heeeeey Becca Jane- come visit and we'll go sail!!!!!!) and I really wanted to see where I could rent one but of course, had zero luck. I think on the other side of the harbor you can get a boat..

AND of course, on my way back to my apt I was going by the hardware store on my street (shout out to my momma and her family hardware store!) I saw this- YUP. that man is cutting metal in the middle of the street, no protection, no eye glasses, straight up doing work. Good for him. I chose to walk on the other sidewalk.
Well I made it home safe, did laundry and go to dinner with Jenny. It was a great a relaxing Sunday and I enjoyed hearing all the football updates from Saturday. Excited about getting to hear some basketball news here soon!

Here's to WEEK 5 in Hong Kong! Cannot believe how fast time is flying! I saw today that tomorrow we only have 48 DAYS LEFT IN THE YEAR 2012!!!!!!!!! You better stop being a bum and get to workin on that bucket list you had planned since Jan 1 2012! Time is about to run out people!

Happy Monday friends! Sure do miss you!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

SATURDAY- Research Challenge in Hong Kong

OOOOOOOOOH Saturday! It was a good ole morning here in Hong Kong and I started the day a little late (around 10ish) with a walk around town before having to head to the CFA Research Challenge.

I took off and had caught mom and dad at home- the first time in a long time to get to talk to BOTH of them during the same call!! Dad was watching the Kentucky Basketball game and I was jel I wasn't there with him! It was so wonderful to hear their voices. It had been one of those hard weeks here in Hong Kong and have really missed all of you who are State side!!! So it was so great to hear some familiar voices throughout the weekend :) Makes you realize how blessed you truly are.

Moving on from the walk I ended up at the FLYING PAN! This is one restaurant that I have really been wanting to go to and just have not yet. Its 24 hours breakfast- think Waffle House but 100x better. It was clean, the menu was huge and took me about 10 minutes to order! After ordering the waitress asked if I would mind sharing my little table for 2 with someone who was sitting at the bar stool (he was sitting between 2 seats and a party of 3 was waiting..) of course I said yes! I was in need of a friend, he looked nice (actually really nice- jeans, sweater with a button up, drinking a latte) and come to find out- we ordered the same thing. He lives in Amsterdam and was there for business- he works for a bike company (haha- of course he does!) and we had great conversation all through our breakfast date! Never asked his name but it was a great start to the morning!!!!!

Moving on to the Research Challenge. I headed off and met Jennifer to help me get to the hotel. It was a wonderful experience getting to see the 8 teams from all different Universities from Hong Kong present to the judges and get asked really hard questions on their research. This was INTENSE research- I mean one group had a 100 page report! I was so so glad to be part of the experience.

After attending that event all afternoon and into the night Dan, Adrian and I headed off for food and a beer. Adrian took us to this awesome restaurant called Inside Out. It was AWESOME!! Peanuts you drop on the floor, big beers, great menu, etc. Great spot!

All in all it was fantastic. We left there and headed back towards home- it had been a LONG day and it was about 10pm by the time we got back. Of course I was hungry because we did not eat at the bar and I had only had some finger food at the Research Challenge so I headed out and up the hill to my good ole pizza place. I got a slice to go, a little thing of ice cream and a water. It had been one of those weekends and I was in need of comfort food.....but I have to say. The pizza really disappointed me and I didn't even eat it all. SHOCKER. I know. thankgod for the ice cream :)

Hope you all had a great Saturday!!!! It's crazy here they are already decorating for Christmas! Which actually really makes it wonderful since I won't be with family and friends for Thanksgiving.


Friday, November 9, 2012


Yes. That is right. I was invited to attend a good ole MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL viewing at one of the bars in Causeway Bay. And let me tell you. It was so much fun!!!!!!!!!

Yes, the game had already been played. No, I did not cheat and look at the score so I would know the outcome before the viewing. and Yes, I had nachos and some beer- pretty much an American night if you ask me!!!!

Adrian from work used to live in the USA and enjoys watching good ole fashioned American Football and has recently caught up with a group in Hong Kong that also enjoys to watch the games on Monday nights. He was nice enough to invite us Americans along for the event and let me say, I had a GREAT TIME!!!!!

We get to Champs (when I saw the name I was already excited!) and the beer special for the night were Buy one...GET ONE FREE. Well, I don't mind if I do! (it was a Monday and the 2nd was FREE!!) I was alll about it.

The big game on the big screen!

Some other Americans joined- there was a girl teaching school here from Cali, her boyfriend from Hawaii (of course I asked him if he was a surfer- he's not but he was sponsored for being a body boarder!), and man who works for Cartoon Network and here form work from LA and his wife who is here with him. They were all fantastic to talk to and I learned a lot of things that I should do before I head home! (ie- get a visa for China for a visit, get cheap tickets to attend some event, where to travel on the weekend, etc).


We were watching the Steelers/Giants game (I was cheering for Kevin and Meghan's friend on the Giants!) and it was a pretty good game until the Steelers pulled away at the end for a W.

The game ended and I had one beer not touched I went to give to the body boarder when he told me, "no, just take it to go!" and was informed that you can take your drinks with you! Kinda like being on Bourbon street again but it can be in all of Hong Kong. I didn't even really want that beer but hearing I could take it with me...heeeeeck yeah! I just took it out of Champs, had a drink and then threw it away. It was a Monday night and I knew I had work bright and early (it was already way past my bedtime).

peaaace out Monday night!

Meanwhile, Adrian was on a call for work at 10pm so he could take partake in any of the fun.

All business.

Looking forward to this Monday and more games, beer, and nachos! Definitely helps to feel more like home to have those types of nights!!

Little HotPot Action on a Thursday

Sonia has just been wonderful and taking me everywhere that is a wonderful place to eat and she has kept talking about HotPot and how I really need to try! We decided while Jenny and her husband, Dan are in town we should make a date for everyone!

So the day was set for Thursday night and at 6pm we all left the office to go to the Melting Pot  Hotpot. I had this idea it was going to be just like the Melting Pot because I heard you have a pot and you just add anything you want to it- veggies, meats, fish, dumplings, etc. Sounds like the melting pot right?!? I was really, really excited.

We went to this beautiful restaurant (thank you, Angela for picking it out!) and were seated at a large, round table. Sonia and Jennifer took care of ordering and the rest of us Americans just explored the menu. THEY HAD IT ALL!!!!!!! anything and everything you could ever think about putting in a pot to cook- they had it. Not understanding anything that was going on I was looking forward to just seeing what might show up on the table!

AND BOY DID THINGS SHOW UP!!!!!! There were 8 different sauces to pick from

And then a huge basket of Veggies (radish, lettuce, cabbage, mushrooms, other green stuff, and a lot of other really good stuff!) Dumplings (shrimp to start off) Meat (beef- brisket was in the pot but this beautiful plate of marbled meat ws brought), Oysters (OOOOH LAWWWD these were HUGE. They said they were from Cali but I have never seen oysters that big!) and fried some type of paper (it looked like an egg roll but with nothing inside, super light!). And that was just the first round!!!!!

SO. you pick out what you would like and use the RAW CHOPSTICKS to pick up the meat and put in your little basket/drainer/boiling utensil. Leave the meat in until its cooked, take it out and using your COOKED CHOPSTICKS put it in the little sauce concoction you have created and ENJOY! hmm. let me tell you. that was AMAAZING. It was very important not to mix up your chopsticks (2 sets) because you don't want to eat with the sticks that have been touching the raw meat. (totally understand even though I might have not when I started and who knows what chopsticks I was using for what..learning curve!)

Blue Girl. great drink.

ROUND TWO! And this came out of no where! There was tofu (best I have ever had) more dumplings (with pork and veggies) Pork for the meat plate, and...FRRRRRROOOOOOOOG!!!!!!!!!! YUP. real, super fresh, frog!!!! haha! We knew they ordered because they asked if we wanted to try and Dan and I were up for the challenge. BUT when it came out....I'll let you take a look yourself....

STILL MOVING!!! Hahahaha yeeees that was the best part. Sonia was even a little freaked out by the movements but it just shows how fresh it was! I was laughing (laugher- duuuh) and was looking forward to saying "I saw the frog moving and ate it after cooking it" BOOM. cross that off my list!

THEEEEEN I ate a THOUSAND YEAR OLD EGG. True store. I did not make that name up. I have heard about the egg before from Caroline and her husband had tried it...and it didn't sound too appealing. But when I found out it in actually in the soup, I had to see what it was all about! It's similar to a blu cheese...interesting. But looks blackish/blue/moldish but was actually not bad at all. It might have been the sauce that helped...

ANNNNND don't you know that I ate FISH SKIN! Yup. surrre did folks! Fried FISH SKIN! and you know what it tasted like? A POTATO CHIP. You take it in your chopsticks, dip it for about 2 seconds in one of the hotpots and eat it. Just like a chip. It was salty and tasted seriously, like a chip. I definitely had a few!

Well there you go my friends. HOTPOT. A true Hong Kong experience!!!!! Here is the large take of fresh seafood they have at the front. There was a net and I was very, very tempted to dip it in and pull out something (like the HUGE lobster that was looking at me) but didn't want to cause trouble (for once in my life) but they should seriously put those nets somewhere out of reach of children (or 26 year olds) because they are tempting.

Then at the front. They had all the live stuff just waiting to be eaten. And the stuff was HUUUUGGGGEEEEEEE! like MONSTER SIZE!
And that my friends. Was at the very top of the list for best dinners in Hong Kong. It was AMAZING and so so good! The food, the Blue Girl beer, but mostly...the company. What wonderful ladies in the office!!!! I just loved going to dinner with them all!

Hope you enjoyed! happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

More pics from last Saturday- There is an Election Day HK style below so Keep Reading! ENJOY!

MORRRREEE Pictures from the big day I had last Saturday. ENJOY!
Big man in the back!!!!! Ni hao!
Dan and I with the Big Buddha
Gotta love some Bikes!!!! I was impressed- I couldn't find one not locked up. They must have known I was coming to down and would like to give it a test ride if it was available. OF COURSE I would have put it back- no need to see what the inside of Stanley Prison looks like!
Pretty beach right?....
About 50 feet down this nice little stream was flowing right into the ocean area...
And then you see this nice little sign on the bridge- DANGER- DO NOT SWIM OR PLAY IN THIS STREAM...that leads right into the ocean. Thank you for the warning. I will stay on the sand.
This was at the outlet mall. please bring suitcases with them to shop. And they park them at the front of the store. Kinda like grocery carts? not sure. But this was at the Coach store- busiest store in the mall. Same prices (or more expensive) than ours at home. I bought a book. that was it.
Nice wine ladies that gave very nice pours. see how there are like 30 bottles on their table? This was one out of 4 or 5 tables..yeah, it got intense.
These boys had the Bubbly drinks! AND the most expensive bottles to taste (around $60 bottles we tasted). It was my favorite table.
heeeeeeeey! new friends! They were teaching me about al the sales. You can see from this one cart the knew what they were talking about..(this was one out of 2 carts..)

And I didn't get any pictures with Mr.Duke boy. haha Or his name.....

HAPPY HAPPY WEDNESDAY!!!!! :) I'll do a good update tomorrow on this week.

BIG DAY in AMERICA!!!!!!!!

And we are on to 4 more years.

It was one of those mornings (your night time) when I woke up, looked to see if anything was going on and if I needed to get up to go get breakfast to watch the action. WELL at 6:30am my time (5:30pm your time) and my mom didn't answer the house phone I felt like I wasn't missing anything and went back to bed.

WELL I turned on my computer while getting ready to hear the updates..still not much going on. Then, I got to work and it was a close race! I sat at my desk with it in the back ground watching the numbers climb. There is another lady from Charlottesville in the office and another lady who is in the HK office but from America (they are from NOVA but are in HNK for about 3 yr.) so we were all getting together and doing updates all morning. Then Monica (the lady from nova) asked if we wanted to go to the American Club to watch the end of the race during lunch. LET ME TELL YOU. The American Club is just amazing. Dad- you thought McGregor is great....doesn't compare. The view, the soft carpet my shoes sunk into while walking, the America decorations- it was just the BEST!!!! a WONDERFUL WAY to watch the end of the election for the year it was just amazing and made me feel like a TRUE American in the big city over seas. Thank you, Monica for your warm hospitality during lunch!!

Hope you all had a wonderful day my friends! I feel so blessed to be an American and having the experience of living in a few different countries for periods of time has really made me so PROUD to call the Good Ole' USA home.

And thank you Jimmy and crew (TBB, Drake, Alan, Drew, etc) for always fighting for our freedom and keeping us safe from harm. AND the wonderful Sisters Club (BJC) for being amazing.


And btw. I am so tired from the day. just saying. :) xoxoxo!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

All Pictures. Hope you don't mind.

Here ya go! A weekend well done in Hong Kong would like something like the following: (oh- btw, I forgot Duke boys name and he had a girlfriend at home so maybe it wasn't a date but just great company? ha- sorry for any confusion there!) Enjoy!

These pictures are all from the Big Buddha (BB) adventure on Saturday morning.

My Gondola. (If only it were taking me to the top of a hill to ski down..) Or Cable Car.

glass bottom cabi WOOPWOOP (extra 20 HKD and zero waiting line...yes please.)
almost to the top- looking back to see the buildings and where we started. It was a huge hill we were headed up!
the airport to the right of the cable car with a plane taking off.
below us you could see this guy wake boarding- prrrretty sweet.
There's that Big Buddha in the distance!
going up another hill heading for the BB. that man was WALKING the path below- from start to the BB it's 3 hours. Up and down hills. and it was about 75 outside. Enjoy Mister Adventure! I'll be lazy and have a glass bottom cable car
Was this sign made for me?? Good Directions FO LIFE!!!!!
This area built around the Buddha was like Disney World. Make to look like it was an old area but of course had a Starbucks, Subway and a place full of chopsticks..original.
Gotta love good directions...
The Monastery and the Buddha
There he is at the top of the hill!!!
Who doesn't love a picture with the BIGGEST SITTING BUDDHA?!?!