Hong Kong 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

OHHH do I have a lot to recap!

My Blog Fans. I have to take a second and apologize for being such a not so great blogger the last couple of weeks. It's been a busy time here in Hong Kong with the Exam weekend (what I have been working on planning the last 6 months) is finally here and there have been some long days and nights of not wanting to look at my computer- so I apologize and hope to give some fun updates!

QUICK RECAP just to keep you all interested in my travels!

So I left off on November 12...the day the Blue Devils pulled one on our CATS for the W. And then I heard that they went on and have had some other big wins over different top 5 teams so I didn't feel too bad. I did feel good about UNC not pulling off a W...just sayin :)

That Thursday night I attended an event that CFA hosted to help people within the industry to network and learn more about careers and what it takes to have a great resume, interview, and how to get the job. I was the greeter and checking people in (of course I was, right?!) and then I ran the question cards and giving them to the panel. There were around 200 people at the event and it was a great panel and speakers! I even took notes...

That Saturday night we went to dinner and we headed out to a part of town I have not been to yet. It was the area with all the bars and everything else- bars might be not the right word- they were bars I would not go to alone and probably don't want women in them if that gives you a better idea. It was fun to see that part of town and have some really good thai food! We headed back to our central area for drinks though!

Soooo...when we got back to the central part of town and to the LKF area where the crazy Halloween things took place we came to another event- A CARNIVAL right in the heart of Hong Kong!!!! Everyone was singing in the streets and dancing, beer booths lined the streets, you could walk into any bar and not buy their drinks, people were all wearing hats, there were stages, it was just WILD! Kind of like a fair...but with just beer. I will do a whole post I promise with videos of the clowns, me wining a prizzzzze!!!! and just the people dancing to that gumgum style dance song (whatever its called) be ready! It will be good :)

AND Then it was Thanksgiving! Yes, I had the privilege to work the whole week last week. Monday thru Friday- first time in my whole life I have had to work the whole week- I know, I'm such a grown up now and was for sure wearing my big girl pants all week since I kept a smile and acted like I didn't miss having a 4 day weekend. BACK TO THE POINT. Thanksgiving! Since I was at work and it was a Toastmasters meeting day I thought I would get involved and help educate my friends on some American Traditions so I gave a speech on Thanksgiving! I started with how Thanksgiving was started and why people started a day to give thanks, moved into what is traditional for thanksgiving (eating multiple times with family and friends and football), what types of foods are served and then what else goes on that weekend (Macy's Parade, start of Christmas holiday, etc). Everyone loved it. It was a great experience for my 2nd Toastmasters ever! That night I went with Dan, his wife, and someone else from the Charlottesville office to this restaurant that was serving an all you can eat Thanksgiving dinner. It was great, we got a bottle of wine and unlimited mashed potatoes- amazing.

I sure did miss being in Raleigh especially since my Aunt Karen and Uncle Rick were in town and I don't get to see them too much! It was great to have multiple calls home and hope everyone enjoyed being with your family!! :)

Last weekend (after Thanskgiving) I went to Macau which is the Las Vegas of the East- seriously they have an MGM, Wynn, Encore, etc. All pretty much the same but I do have to admit I like Vegas a whole lot better and can't wait for another dad and daughter weekend (Ben and Blair- hope you're ready!). Also, they don't drink at the casinos. And I mean don't.at.all. They served apple juice, orange juice, water, and tea. After losing a hand a blackjack and seeing only apple juice I got up from the table. Now if that was a cold beer it could have been a different story.

Now I am off to some where far far away (or maybe a little closer to you?) for work and will be back on Tuesday! And then it's only like 1.5 weeks before I head home.....and then its like 2 weeks before Raleigh! CRAZY!!!!!

Time is flying and my flight is about to do the same! have to put last minute touches on things and head out the door! Sure do miss you ALL! and promise to do more updates maybe tonight :)

Sending lots of love!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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